TBE Becomes a Philanthropitch Finalist

On February 19th, we will take the stage at Philanthropitch San Antonio to pitch our ideas, create awareness and raise funds. Our goal is to be able to expand our flagship event, Assembly, to other cities in the near future!

Philanthropitch, an initiative of Notley, is a pitch competition empowering innovative nonprofits to scale their impact. Since 2012, Philanthropitch has awarded more than $600,000 to nonprofits.

Hear 3 minute pitches from nonprofit finalists including The Basketball Embassy, as well as, Mealshare, Start-Up Kids Club, LiftFund, Yes! Our Kids Can, Re-Mat, and Autism Community Network. Vote on which nonprofits are awarded your ticket proceeds during the Audience Choice Awards.

“Philanthropitch is a unique opportunity to take part in awarding ambitious, local nonprofits as they improve and scale their programs in order to make a greater impact in our community.” - Notley Co-Founder, Lisa Graham

What: Philanthropitch San Antonio

When: February 19, 2019

Where: Tobin Center for the Performing Arts • 100 Auditorium Cir, San Antonio, TX 78205

Buy Tickets: http://bit.ly/2M8Vay8

The Basketball Embassy